Mull River from Gillis Bridge

Mull River from Gillis Bridge
Photo 4 of 25: Mull River from Gillis Bridge
Taken 2007 October 13 from the Whycocomagh Road 8.5 km (5.3 mi) south of the Cèilidh Trail (Highway 19)
on Gillis Bridge over the Mull River
GPS 45°59.984'N 61°22.154'W

This day, following several mostly cloudy ones and a night of rain, proved to be a generally frustrating one for the photographer as the clouds were ubiquitous and the sun was playing hide-and-seek through them. But, at least the sun was out from time to time, shining through interstices as the wind pushed the clouds into new formations, leading one to hope that what one was looking at might come into the proper light and show off its beautiful colours. For, by this day, the colours had brightened considerably, at least when the sun was there to illuminate them, as this photo shows.

The upper portion of the Mabou River is known as the Mull River; this photo was taken where it passes beneath Gillis Bridge on the Whycocomagh Road (which runs from Mabou over the Southwest Ridge, on to Glencoe Mills, and eventually to Whycocomagh), about 600 m (0.4 mi) east of its junction with the Mull River Road.