Cape Smokey from North Bay Ingonish

Cape Smokey from North Bay Ingonish
Photo 25 of 25: Cape Smokey from North Bay Ingonish
Taken 2006 June 28 in Ingonish on the grounds of the Seascape Coastal Restaurant
GPS 46°41.47?'N 60°22.34?'W

Taken near dusk in declining sunlight from just off the Cabot Trail in Ingonish village, Cape Smokey is seen here rising above Middle Head, with the Keltic Lodge at the right of the photo. North Bay Ingonish is in the foreground.

Of the several well-known views of Cape Smokey, this one is probably “the” iconic one known to most, as this sloping profile of Cape Smokey will dominate the views from the Cabot Trail at many points as you travel north, until you get far enough to the west that it finally passes out of sight.

This photo also shows quite well the location of the Stanley Point Look-Off from which the four previous photos were taken. Look left of centre at the notch where the Cape Smokey Plateau first descends before ending abruptly above the sloping cliff face; below that notch, you will see a grey/beige splotch on the side of the Cape marking a cliff face. The Stanley Point Look-Off is at the top of that cliff face.

With this photo, this essay concludes its presentation of Cape Smokey. I hope you have enjoyed the selection of views presented here, which are among the greatest on the Beautiful Isle East of Ordinary. When you travel the Cabot Trail, be sure to stop off at Cape Smokey Provincial Park and, if the weather is fine, seriously consider the hike to Stanley Point—it will leave you with indelible memories!