St Anns Harbour from Englishtown

St Anns Harbour from Englishtown
Photo 1 of 90: St Anns Harbour from Englishtown
Taken 2011 July 29 in Englishtown from Highway 312 beside the Englishtown docks
GPS 46°17.058'N 60°32.546'W

Before the boat tour departed, I had a few minutes as others were paying for their passage to take some photos from the road. This photo looks just a bit to the west of south across St Anns Harbour to the Cape Breton Highlands beyond. Notice that there are actually two distinct lines of hills, those nearer and lower and those further away and higher. The Cabot Trail crosses over and along the nearer hills as it circles around the harbour, usually staying close to the harbour and offering at several places fine views of it and of the several indentations it makes in the coastline. I do not have names for the prominences in the distance, which are the edges of the Cape Breton Highlands.