Cape St Lawrence from near Tittle Point

Cape St Lawrence from near Tittle Point
Photo 14 of 25: Cape St Lawrence from near Tittle Point
Taken 2006 August 17 from the Coastal Trail on the north slopes of Tittle Point
GPS 47°01.9??'N 60°36.7??'W

Forty minutes after having crossed French Brook and a few other rills, I snapped this photo looking back towards Cape St Lawrence. The automated light can be seen in the exact center of the photo on the promontory that is Cape St Lawrence.

I had stopped at this point for lunch, as I was hungry, and to enjoy the beauty of the scene, but, as well, to debate what I was going to do from this point forwards. From where I was sitting, it was clear I was going to have to either bushwhack across the hill or follow the herd path up the hill and behind it if I were going to see what lay on the other side or else give it up and return the way I came. At 11h17, I felt it was still far too early to choose the latter course of action, so I decided to follow the herd path for a ways and make up my mind what to do then. So, after snapping this photo, I started climbing up the hill that leads to Tittle Point. (Michael Haynes implies that there is a path that leads past Tittle Point very close to the coast but, if so, I didn’t see it.)

[2012] My choice of route proved to be the sensible one: the hill at Tittle Point has numerous evergreens along its spine, many smallish, interspersed with krummholz, and as I found out during my 2009 hike, I would have had to backtrack even had I found a path through them: during that hike, I made an attempt to stay as close to the coast as possible when hiking from Lowland Cove to Cape St Lawrence and I was able to get near enough to see Cape St Lawrence in the distance, but found my way forward blocked by a deep and wide chasm that I judged to be completely impractical to cross. Possibly this chasm opened up after Haynes wrote his description. In any case, I had to bushwhack up the hill for fifteen minutes until I located the herd path I knew was there from my 2006 hike. So, if you make this hike, go behind the hill at Tittle Point.