The Roseburn Valley, directly below the look-off, now comes into view as the panorama continues moving towards the west. Looking into the far distance, one can now see a greyish-blue band across much of the photo; this is mainland Nova Scotia and the point one sees at the end of that band one-quarter of the way in from the right is Cape George! I could not believe my eyes, but there is no doubt in my mind that that is what this is. The bluish-white waters of St Georges Bay lie on this side of the band. The look-off is very close to 46°00' North Latitude, while Cape George is at 45°53' North Latitude, or 20° south of the look-off according to my compass, adjusted for the magnetic declination given on the topographical maps. The line leading to Cape George takes one over Glencoe Mills, a bit south of Glencoe Station, and a bit north of Maryville on the St Georges Bay coast.
In this view, Cape George is just right of centre in the photo, as the line of sight moves again towards the west.