MacDonalds Glen Road

MacDonalds Glen Road
Photo 38 of 70: MacDonalds Glen Road
Taken 2007 July 2 from the MacDonalds Glen Road
about four minutes below its junction with the Cape Mabou Road

This backwards-looking view gives a good idea of what the countryside and the views are like on this hike from the junction with the Cape Mabou Road towards Northeast Mabou.

MacDonalds Glen Road
Photo 39 of 70: MacDonalds Glen Road
Taken 2007 July 2 from the MacDonalds Glen Road
about four minutes below its junction with the Cape Mabou Road

MacDonalds Glen Road continues through the beautiful Cape Mabou Highlands on its way down to Northeast Mabou. It is now low enough that the view through the gap is of the sky and not of the lands beyond.

Wildflowers beside MacDonalds Glen Road
Photo 40 of 70: Wildflowers beside MacDonalds Glen Road
Taken 2007 July 2 from the MacDonalds Glen Road
about four minutes below its junction with the Cape Mabou Road

These lovely blue miniature wild flowers were smiling at me as I was resting on the return trip; I found them irresistible. While similar to those seen during the “bad stretch”, these are smaller and lack the gold-coloured centres the others had.