Tuesday, 13 June — Jackson to Calais

996.8 km (619.4 mi) after leaving Jackson this morning at 4h43, I arrived uneventfully at the International Motel in Calais at 17h18. I left early enough to miss the slowdown at the Tappan Zee Bridge and, except for a bit of stop and go in Waterbury and again west of Hartford, the traffic wasn’t dense, moved along briskly, and thinned out to a trickle in Maine. I had a good long stop for breakfast at Newtown (Connecticut), a short stop for gas at Sturbridge (Massachusetts), a longer stop for a salad and an ice cream cone at Kennebunk (Maine), a good stop at the rest area west of Bangor, and a short stop for gas at Baileyville. It was +24 (76) when I left Jackson and got up to +34 (93) in Massachusetts; it cooled down to +31 (88) in Bangor and is now a much more comfortable +26 (79) in Calais; needless to say, I had the a/c on from Newtown to Baileyville—I don't tolerate the +30’s very well, even when the humidity is low as it was today! Although it was mostly cloudy with some sunny breaks from Augusta to Baileyville, the rest of the trip, once the sun was up, was under clear blue sky and hot sun. As I was eating supper at the Wickachee next to the motel (haddock chowder, haddock au gratin, deep fried potato wedges, and tossed salad) the late afternoon’s grey rain clouds disappeared over Calais and there are now only a few wispy wind-driven clouds left at the horizon, with a nice breeze from over the St Croix River, so tomorrow looks like another good travelling day. I’m probably more tired than I feel at the moment and expect to sleep well tonight. I hope to be once more in Cape Breton tomorrow night! Yee hoo!!!