![45°44.9??'N 61°09.7??'W [pa185406.jpg] North Mountain and West Bay from the Marble Mountain Road North Mountain and West Bay from the Marble Mountain Road](images/pa185406.jpg)
Taken 2007 October 18 in the (West Bay) Marshes from the Marble Mountain Road
5.2 km (3¼ mi) from its junction with Cenotaph Road in West Bay
GPS 45°44.9??'N 61°09.7??'W
After leaving Marble Mountain, the Marble Mountain Road continues above West Bay and passes through Lime Hill and the (West Bay) Marshes, at which point it makes a 90° turn to the southeast; it was shortly after this turn that I captured this splendid scene (I was a bit sloppy recording mileages, so I don’t have precise distances from nearby localities, but it was 13.4 km (8.3 mi) from the last photo on Mountain Road in Marble Mountain, if that helps any).
The point jutting out left of centre in the middle of the photo is Ross Point. From this distance and given my lack of familiarity with the area, I find it hard to relate with certainty anything else I see in the photo to the maps, so I won’t try. (If someone familiar with the area knows precisely where Lime Hill and Marble Mountain are located along this shore line, please let me know and I’ll update the essay.) In any case, the beauty of this spectacular scene speaks for itself.
This photo concludes this year’s edition of the fall colours essay. I hope you have enjoyed the photos presented and that I will meet you in Cape Breton next fall when I go hunting for pictures for the 2008 edition. Let’s all hope that the weather next year is much more coöperative for photography than it was this year!