![45°52.5??'N 60°01.6??'W [dsc_5449.jpg] Shore east of Simons Point Shore east of Simons Point](images/dsc_5449.jpg)
Taken 2008 October 9 from the Simons Point Trail at its end on Simons Point
GPS 45°52.5??'N 60°01.6??'W
At the end of the trail, one is left at the shore one sees here in this eastward view. A pond lies to the left of the photo and out of its scope. Birds were active here on this day, mostly gulls in the winds, which had freshened considerably at this point, though birds are missing from this photo. While this shore is not as inhospitable as the one at MacLeans Point seen earlier at Kennington Cove, the cobblestone/gravel/rock mix is no easy stroll either; it would offer a real work-out on a better day.
At Simons Point, the distance down the coast to the entrance to Louisbourg Harbour is about 5 km (3 mi), but the coast angles to the northeast beyond White Point, which I take to be just right of centre where one can see the water splashing; clearly, then, the land forms one sees to its right lie to the east of Louisbourg.