![46°21.099'N 60°32.328'W [dscn8568.jpg] Sunrise over Cape Dauphin from above Red Island Sunrise over Cape Dauphin from above Red Island](images/dscn8568.jpg)
Taken 2010 March 7 in Indian Brook from above Red Island
GPS 46°21.099'N 60°32.328'W
This photograph is copyright © 2010 by James D. Steele,
remains the sole property of the photographer,
and has been used here with explicit permission.
I first became aware of Jim Steele’s awesome Sunrise Photo Mailing List earlier this year and have become fascinated watching the always changing views he takes each morning from his house on the western shore of St Anns Bay overlooking Red Island, the long narrow strip of land seen here across the middle ground of the photo that separates MacDonalds Big Pond from St Anns Bay. Depending on the month, as the sun appears to slowly sweep back and forth across the horizon, the photos show the sun rising across Kellys Mountain, Cape Dauphin, and the Bird Islands (Ciboux Island is at the far left and Hertford Island is at the left) of St Anns Bay. The photo seen here is similar to the from five to ten photos included in each day’s mailing and was taken at 6h47 on a clear, brisk (-3°C (27°F)), beautiful morning a couple of weeks before the spring equinox earlier this year. The waters reflecting the sun are ice-free, but, in the foreground, it is indeed snow that echoes the sun’s golden rays.
While the photo seen here was of a cloudless, though very colourful, day, the great majority of Jim’s sunrise photos are of days when clouds interfere with the rising sun in some interesting way, producing a tremendous variety of different and often stunning visual effects as the sun pierces through the clouds, lights them from behind, casts shadows onto the waters, gives them spectacular colours, and often all at the same time. These photos are marvellously informative and one of the great pleasures I look forward to each morning as I read the e-mail delivered overnight.
If you would like to be added to Jim’s free Sunrise mailing list, please send an e-mail to jsteele69@sympatico.ca with the text “Please add me to your Sunrise List”. Jim is due many thanks for his dedication and perserverence in documenting and sharing this amazing daily record of often gorgeous and always intriguing sunrise photos.