![46°23.299'N 60°22.092'W [dsc_4151.jpg] Ciboux Island from near its northeastern end Ciboux Island from near its northeastern end](images/dsc_4151.jpg)
Taken 2011 July 29 just before rounding the northeast end of Ciboux Island
GPS 46°23.299'N 60°22.092'W
Because of the ever increasing roll from the waves, the tour boat captain sped up a bit in order to get round the end of Ciboux Island and enter the sheltered waters on its eastern shore. Holding on as best I could, I continued to busily snap photographs of the island and all of the sights which were new to me.
This wide-angled view shows most of the eastern side of Ciboux Island; a small piece of Hertford Island is showing beyond the southwestern end of Ciboux Island in the middle ground; Cape Dauphin Mountain and the lovely undulating line of hills leading down to Cape Dauphin are at the far left.
The northeastern end of the island, like the southwestern end, has been largely eaten away, leaving only the low rock shelf seen at the far right, which extends well beyond the scope of this photo, as will be seen presently. This photo also shows that the eastern shores of Ciboux Island have bare rock “ramps” all along their length. I call your attention again to the 45° tilt of the rocks, which here stands out starkly—all the compositional lines on the island, the light on top excepted, show this same slant. Given such relatively a smooth surface on which to slide, it almost looks as if the upper layer on the island, once sufficiently undermined by wave action, could just ride the ramp down into the sea.