From the southern edge of the hamlet, I drove north 970 m (⅗ mi) to a point 160 m (0.1 mi) south of the Kingross Crossing Road, just south of the historic Big Intervale United Church, where a photogenic view across the fields of the Northeast Margaree River Plain are on offer. The photos on this page were taken there from beside the church.
![46°26.832′N 60°55.172′W [2014.10.09_dsc_4481.jpg] The Highlands west of the Northeast Margaree River from Kingross The Highlands west of the Northeast Margaree River from Kingross](images/2014.10.09_dsc_4481.jpg)
ISO 200 18 mm ƒ⁄10 1⁄400 sec
Taken 2014 October 9 in Kingross from the East Big Intervale Road
10.7 km (6⅔ mi) north of its junction with Hatchery Road
GPS 46°26.832′N 60°55.172′W
Photo #1 is a wide-angled view looking towards the southwest at the Highlands west of the Northeast Margaree River rising above it along the Aspy Fault. Sugarloaf Mountain is at the far left; the other prominences are unnamed, so far as I am aware. Portree lies at the southwestern end of Sugarloaf Mountain, beyond the gap at the left; the Big Intervale Fishing Lodge sits below the mountain at the centre of the photo. The stunning beauty of this scene must have brought great comfort of those who cleared the land and settled here, for it makes my heart leap with joy each time I arrive here. The day was still a gorgeous one, but clouds were beginning to become more prevalent in the skies above and their shadows covered the Highlands at the right.
Photo #2 is a somewhat expanded view of the valley between Sugarloaf Mountain and the Highlands to the west, between which the Northeast Margaree River flows to the south. The river behind the trees at the edge of the field is on a course to the southeast, headed for Sugarloaf Mountain, where it will turn southwest and continue below it. Even from this distance, one can see considerable colour on both sides of the river.
[continued below]
![46°26.832′N 60°55.178′W [2014.10.09_dsc_4476.jpg] Sugarloaf Mountain and the Highlands south of Kingross Sugarloaf Mountain and the Highlands south of Kingross](images/2014.10.09_dsc_4476.jpg)
ISO 200 38 mm ƒ⁄10 1⁄400 sec
Taken 2014 October 9 in Kingross from the East Big Intervale Road
10.7 km (6⅔ mi) north of its junction with Hatchery Road
GPS 46°26.832′N 60°55.178′W
![46°26.831′N 60°55.173′W [2014.10.09_dsc_4478.jpg] The Highlands west of Kingross The Highlands west of Kingross](images/2014.10.09_dsc_4478.jpg)
ISO 200 35 mm ƒ⁄10 1⁄400 sec
Taken 2014 October 9 in Kingross from the East Big Intervale Road
10.7 km (6⅔ mi) north of its junction with Hatchery Road
GPS 46°26.831′N 60°55.173′W
Photo #3 is a bit closer look at the highland that figured prominently in the first photo of the previous page. This view, looking north of west across the field, shows good colours on the lower and middle flanks of the Highland and numerous bare trees below the summit. The utility wires are noticeable here: they are ubiquitous at Kingross and insist on being part of nearly every photo (though much harder to see in the two previous photos, they were present there as well).
Photo #4 is a telephoto view of the left portion of photo #3, which shows the riot of excellent colours at the lower centre part of the photo and the good colours further up. Apologies for the wires, which are really obnoxious here.
[continued below]
![46°26.832′N 60°55.172′W [2014.10.09_dsc_4479.jpg] Detail of the colour on the Highlands west of Kingross Detail of the colour on the Highlands west of Kingross](images/2014.10.09_dsc_4479.jpg)
ISO 200 105 mm ƒ⁄7.1 1⁄800 sec
Taken 2014 October 9 in Kingross from the East Big Intervale Road
10.7 km (6⅔ mi) north of its junction with Hatchery Road
GPS 46°26.832′N 60°55.172′W
![46°26.834′N 60°55.170′W [2014.10.09_dsc_4480.jpg] The cemetery in Kingross The cemetery in Kingross](images/2014.10.09_dsc_4480.jpg)
ISO 200 105 mm ƒ⁄5.6 1⁄500 sec
Taken 2014 October 9 in Kingross from the East Big Intervale Road
10.7 km (6⅔ mi) north of its junction with Hatchery Road
GPS 46°26.834′N 60°55.170′W
Photo #5 looks across the field beside the church at the well-kept cemetery in Kingross, guarded by lovely red-orange trees not yet at their peak of colour. The Highland behind at the top of the photo is obscured by clouds. Again, apologies for the utility wires.