The skies were occluded with only occasional rays of sun as I drove slowly back along the Upper Southwest Mabou Road towards Port Hood. The colours weren’t as far along as on the Glencoe Road, but I stopped for photos at the point shown on this page even though the sun was sorely lacking. Wouldn’t you know, the sun was back out in force in Port Hood! Grrr… Though I can’t really complain, given this year’s generally wonderful weather.
Photo #1 looks northwest (towards Glencoe Station) along the Upper Southwest Mabou Road at an area where colourful trees are found most years. These are primarily yellows and oranges and greens, though some reds are present.
Photo #2 looks southeast (towards Upper Southwest Mabou) where a few more reds brighten the colours, though again oranges are prevalent, not to mention greens. Oh, for some sun to make this scene come alive!
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Photo #3 shows a lovely red maple in front of some lovely, much taller birches behind. The residual chlorophyll attests to the recentness of its change, as do the slightly turned leaves of the tree at the right and the darker leaves at the upper right..
Photo #4 displays a medley of colours, from reds through oranges, golds, yellows, and greens, with a wild profusion of branches as the trees compete with one another for all available sunlight. One of the taller trees behind has already lost its leaves. Again, many of the leaves are unchanged or just starting to change.