![47°02.4??'N 60°35.8??'W [p8172006.jpg] Lighthouse Trail approaching Cape St Lawrence Lighthouse Trail approaching Cape St Lawrence](images/p8172006.jpg)
Taken 2006 August 17 from the end of the Lighthouse Trail near the automated light at Cape St Lawrence
GPS 47°02.4??'N 60°35.8??'W
This photo shows the Lighthouse Trail in the foreground: one can see its tracks going down the hill slightly left of centre and through the forest below the hill. It continues on towards and through the col formed by Bear Hill on the left and an unnamed mountain on the right.
After leaving the pond in the previous photo, the trail meanders more or less on the level for a bit and then descends sharply and steeply down a rocky escarpment through what is labelled on the NRC map as the Bear Hill Fault Zone, providing some challenging down-hill hiking. The trail finally levels out as it comes out at the clearing one sees here. Before the sharp descent, one vantage point makes it possible to see the ocean through the trees, so one knows both that one is on the right trail and that the end is not that far off—perhaps 1.6 km (1 mi) away.
It took me a little less than an hour to hike from the ridge down to the automated light, a distance of roughly 4 km (2.5 mi). I was concentrating on getting to the Cape and happy to be going generally downhill, so my memories of this part of the hike are not too sharp at this remove. It was, however, quite a surprise to me to arrive at the Cape in two hours—I’d planned on spending the whole day getting there and back!