On this page, I will discuss news items I’ve learned about and existing trails I’ve explored this year that are new to me. While some of the material here necessarily duplicates that which will eventually be found in the individual trail descriptions, my goal here is to recount the hikes and my reäctions to them, not to present the trails in detail.
Substantial Upgrades to the Railway Trail
Railway Trail above the Smithville Road
Taken 2008 June 21
along the Smithville Road in Glendyer Station
Railway Trail at Michaels Landing
Taken 2008 October 10
at Michaels Landing in Judique North
Railway Trail along the Mabou River
Taken 2008 October 19
a few minutes west of the steel bridge in Glendyer Station
The multi-use Railway Trail runs from the Canso Canal Park in Port Hastings to the Miners Museum in Inverness village, a distance of 92 km (57.2 mi), using the bed of the railway whose construction was started in 1898, whose opening was in 1901, and whose use for rail traffic ceased in the late 1980’s. This trail is a joint effort of several volunteer groups, including the Ceilidh Coastal Trail Association, the Judique Flyer Trail Association, and the Inverness Trails Federation, aided and assisted by the Cape Breton Pathways Association, corporations, organizations, and a number of governmental departments and agencies at the local, provincial, and federal levels. Some parts of the trail have local names, e.g., the Ceilidh Coastal Trail, but if the entire stretch has a proper name, I don’t know what it is, hence my “Railway Trail” designation.
I have been hiking this gorgeous trail since I first started going to Cape Breton Island and, except for the section from the Canso Canal to Troy, it has been in generally good shape, though suffering in places from some deterioration (e.g., water taking over the rail bed roughly halfway between the Blackstone Road and the Glendyer Road, as I noticed on a hike there last year, since corrected and repaired during this year’s upgrades). Several years ago, the decision was reached to incorporate this trail into the Trans-Canada Trail system (see the next news item) and considerable work has been undertaken over the past few years to bring it up to the standards of the Trans-Canada Trail system, as I noted here last year. An example of that work is shown in the first photo at the right, where extensive banking and trail stabilization work was undertaken on the section of the trail which runs above the Smithville Road from Route 252 towards Glendyer and was previously mostly unusable; this photo was taken in June before additional work and a final coating had been completed.
In an article on page 5 of the 2008 June 4 issue of The Inverness Oran, the magnitude of this work was spelt out: “[t]he goal of this project is to bring this Trail up to a multi-use, 4-season, world-class trail complimenting [sic] provincial standards as well as the national vision of the Trans Canada Trail system. To date, over 25,000 m. of ditching and 4,700 m. of grubbing have been completed from Troy Beach to Inverness. 45 culverts have been installed, with 92 km. of trail right-of-way cut and chipped.” “[F]unding and in-kind contributions [are] now estimated at $1.98 million.” Work this year involved grading, crowning, ditching, and laying a top coating, all of which was in ample evidence as I hiked various sections of the trail this spring, summer, and fall; during this work, some sections were temporarily closed. Parking areas were constructed and interpretive panels, benches, picnic tables, and community kiosks were installed at various points along the trail.
The end result, at least for the nearly-completed sections that I hiked (work was still on-going when I left Cape Breton), clearly meets the project’s goal as stated above. The second and third photos above, taken in October, show its then current state, and a very fine state it is indeed! The sand top coating is a joy to walk on, water no longer lies in puddles after a rain, and the trimming has resulted in improved views. Many thanks to the workers and especially to all the volunteers for their enormous efforts over the years which have given us this beautiful trail.
The Trans Canada Trail is the world’s longest network of trails. When completed, the Trail will stretch 22,000 kilometres from the Atlantic to the Pacific to the Arctic Oceans, linking 1000 communities and 33 million Canadians. Today, more than 16,500 kilometres of trail have been developed. Millions of Canadians and international visitors are using the Trail to hike, cycle, ski, horseback ride, canoe and snowmobile. The Trans Canada Trail offers countless opportunities to explore Canada’s diverse landscapes and rich history.
The Nova Scotia map at this Trans-Canada Trail web site, shows that, in Cape Breton, the Trans-Canada Trail will follow the “Railway Trail” (see the preceding news item) from the Canso Causeway to its current terminus at the Miners Museum in Inverness village. From there, the trail will be extended to run north of Lake Ainslie to Little Narrows, across the Washabuck Peninsula to Grand Narrows, and on up east of St. Andrews Channel to the ferry docks at Sydney Mines. According to this Cape Breton Regional Municipality map, only a 7.88 km (4.9 mi) section of this extension is currently open in the Georges River area north of Pottle Lake.
The Inverness Oran reports in its 2008 October 29 issue (pp. 18-19 and 36), that ceremonies were held on 2008 October 22 at the Canso Canal Park in Port Hastings, at Michael’s Landing in Judique North, and at West Mabou:
A series of celebrations in Cape Breton highlighted the dedication and commitment of three trail groups: the Ceilidh Coastal Trail Association, the Judique Flyer Trail Association, and the Inverness County Trails Federation. It marked the official opening of three new sections of Trans Canada trail totaling 92 kilometres, from Port Hastings to Inverness. The shared-use marquee trail will allow residents and visitors alike to enjoy scenic coastal vistas, 26 trestles over wetlands and waterways with abundant wildlife and waterfowl, and many historic sites along the route in western Cape Breton.
“The completion and official opening of 92 kilometres of Trans Canada Trail in Cape Breton is a significant milestone that demonstrates what volunteers can achieve in communities throughout Nova Scotia when communities, corporations and governments work together in partnership,” says NS Trails president Terry Norman.
NS Trails TCT chair Blaise MacEachern added, “The Trans Canada Trail project has been igniting and uniting communities along its planned route since 1992. Today we applaud the work of volunteer trail builders in Inverness County and elsewhere in Nova Scotia who have been working tirelessly to complete sections of TCT in their communities and encourage more volunteers in communities across the province to embrace the TCT Challenge.”
The Inverness Oran also reports in this article that the province of Nova Scotia signed a memorandum of understanding with the Trans-Canada Trail organization and the Nova Scotia Trails Federation which “establishes a working relationship to complete the trail”.
We can now look forward to a fine trail that will eventually run from North Sydney to Port Hastings, connecting (via ferry) the Newfoundland portion of the Trans-Canada Trail to its continuation in mainland Nova Scotia.
This year was my eighth in Cape Breton, where I spent twelve full weeks this year on three separate trips, one in June, one in July/August, and one in October. The summer was easily the worst I have spent in Cape Breton because of the weather: substantial and often heavy rain (it turned out to be the rainiest August on record for Cape Breton) and a nearly unbroken sequence of grey days. Had it not been for the wonderful and plentiful Scottish traditional music, as fine as any year I have been there, I’d have just given up and come home early. The spring and fall trips were more successful, however, even though the sun was often missing then too. Still, I managed to add a dozen hikes that were new to me, not too bad at all for a poor weather year! Even after eight years, I have not even begun to exhaust the rich array of Cape Breton’s incredible hiking resources; so much more still remains to be explored!
I used a sequence of four mostly good days on the spring trip to explore Cape Breton’s east coast; while my main effort was on photography, I did get some hikes in at Cape Auguet, St Peter’s, Big Lorraine, and on the trail along the cliffs to the east of Schooner Pond (which I didn’t finish due to time constraints (and the worsening weather)). On this trip, I also spent three days in Ingonish, hoping to do both the Clyburn Valley Trail and the Franey Trail, but was rained on each of the three days and spent half my time in a motel room, waiting for the rain to end. I did get to hike the Clyburn Valley Trail, mostly in fog and mist, but no luck for the Franey Trail, which will have to await another year.
On the summer trip, considerably longer than either the spring or fall trips, my only discovery was the Campbell’s Mountain Look-Off Trail, described below. As the table of hikes below shows, I didn’t get in many hikes due to the weather and on many of the days I did go out, I got rained on. It was definitely a rotten summer both for hiking and for photography.
On the fall trip, I hiked at Red Cape (on the Atlantic coast east of Framboise), which I had seen from afar on the spring trip, and visited Belfry Beach, which I did not know about on my spring trip (I found out about it only after returning home and working on a photo essay). I discovered a new (and as yet unfinished) trail at the Louisbourg Lighthouse, finally got to explore the coast at Kennington Cove, and hiked the Simons Point Trail. Back in Inverness Country, thanks to a tip from a gentleman on an ATV who stopped to chat while I was taking photos from the road above Glencoe Mills, I learned of the Churchview Road hike, which I did the following day.
Eco-Trail at Cape Auguet
Eco-Trail Map
Taken 2008 June 9
at the parking lot at the Eco-Trail Trail Head
The Cape Auguet Sentier Écologique/Eco-Trail (with map) is Richmond County’s premier hiking trail: a 4.5 km (2.8 mi) trail leads from the trail head outside Boudreauville on the southeastern corner of Isle Madame along the west coast and salt marshes of Petit-de-Grat Harbour to the trail’s end in the middle of Mackerel Cove; it is shown in yellow on the map at the right (from a photo of the sign at the trail head). Alternative side and loop trails, shown on the map in red, blue, and green, provide additional views. When I was there in June, the red trail was closed on the northern end, though I was able to hike out to the shelter (indicated by the red circled 5 on the map) on the southern end.
To find the trail head, take either Route 320 or Route 206 to the point where they join in Arichat and continue on Route 206 towards Petit-de-Grat. After about 5 km (3.1 mi), you will come to a church in Boudreauville: at this point, Route 206 turns left across a bridge to Petit-de-Grat Island. Leave Route 206 here, i.e., without crossing the bridge, and continue south until you find yourself in the trail head parking lot, perhaps 0.8 km (0.5 mi)—I regret I did not write down the exact distances. When I was there 9 June, there was fine road signage pointing to the trail head at several earlier points along Route 206, but the critical sign at the church in Boudreauville was missing.
I had been here once several years ago, when I had explored along the coast a short distance from the trail head, but did not at that time hike any further. I have no photos from that trip, so it might have been in 2001, when I had no camera. In any case, I had always been intending to get back here and this year proved to be the year I did.
Mackerel Cove
Taken 2008 June 9 from near the end of the Eco-Trail
The hiking trail is a fine one, with boardwalks over brooks and wet spots and stairs on some of the steep cliffs that attest to the fine work done by the volunteers who built and maintain the Eco-Trail. There are six shelters along the trail (including the one at the trail head), each supplied with bilingual informative panels about the history, culture, and ecological significance of the area; since the sun had become especially strong and the trail’s constant up and down (though never more than 6 m (20 ft) at a time) had left me rather warm, wishing I had worn shorts rather than jeans, I really appreciated the opportunity to relax in a covered area, read the panels, and enjoy the superb views while cooling off in the gentle breezes.
The main trail offers excellent views of the coast, including a couple of lakes, salt marshes, and even a forest hike, though one is never far from the water. For two views from the trail, see here and here. A number of wild flowers, some exquisitely tiny and delicate, were in bloom and the incipient foliage of the deciduous trees was just at its bursting point; I also saw several stands of fiddlehead ferns. Shore birds were plentiful throughout the hike.
The end of the main trail is at Mackerel Cove, site of a small Acadian fishing settlement in the middle of the 1800’s. The horseshoe shaped cove has a rocky shore and, the day I was there when the sky was nearly pure blue, was gorgeous under the afternoon sun. Since the day was so fine, I lallygagged at several points to soak in the sights and ended up spending five hours out and back in this beautiful place. Alas, I had forgotten to bring along a spare memory chip, so I was rather constrained in the number of photos I could take; there were so many great views that I didn’t get that I’ll surely be back there again soon. It’s a trail I can heartily recommend without hesitation.
St Peters Canal and Battery Park
Battery Park Trail Map
Taken 2008 June 10
from near the Jerome Point Lighthouse
On a gloomy day in 2004, I had previously visited St Peters Canal, but did not then take the opportunity to walk along it from one end to the other. On the beautiful June day in 2008 on which I again found myself here, I could not resist and found that it is not a long walk—0.8 km (0.5 mi) along a flat mown lawn surface–but it is an interesting one, with beautiful views of both St Peters Bay on the south end and of St Peters Inlet on the north end, and awe-inspring as one recognizes in situ the immensity of the back-breaking brute-force labour required to cut a 30 m (100 ft) opening through a 20 m (66 ft) high solid granite hill without the benefit of either modern excavation equipment or even modern explosives.
The locks are still operational and in operation, though no boats passed through them while I was there. As I returned to the south end, I walked out across the lock to Battery Provincial Park on the other side. I soon noticed a sign pointing to a trail leading up the hill on the east side of the canal to the ruins of Fort Dorchester; after a short but steep climb, one arrives on the heights above the canal from where one has excellent views of St Peters Bay, the village of St Peter’s,¹ and the area to their west.
After enjoying (and photographing) the views from there, I descended through the campground area on an informal path down to the park roads and discovered superb views of St Peters Bay, Lennox Passage, Isle Madame, and the surrounding areas from the heights on which the camping facilities are located. Near the lighthouse, I noticed the trail map given at the right (I apologize for the unintended clipping at the bottom; you can find a better map in the park’s brochure, which is available here as PDF file).
The day that I was there, I did not have enough time to hike the remainder of the trails showing in the map, two of which lead to the ruins of Fort Toulouse and the Kavanaugh Homestead along St Peters Bay in the direction of Grande-Grève, but I will certainly return when time allows to check out what is to be found there. I spent a very pleasant two hours in this exceptionally beautiful spot walking about and taking more than 150 photos. Battery Park offers a small swimming area with a sand beach and picnic tables aplenty; with its ample roads and trails, it is a fine family-friendly spot either to just stretch one’s legs or to spend a whole day.
¹ The Geographic Board of Canada adopted in 1898 a rule which stated that the “possessive form of [place] names should be avoided whenever it could be done without destroying the euphony of a name or changing its descriptive application. The rule added that, if the possessive were retained, the apostrophe should be dropped.” [¶] “[…] in the 1970s, the rule was amended in Canada to permit the apostrophe where it was well established and in current use. [¶] There are several names in Canada with the apostrophe. Examples are St. John’s in Newfoundland, St. Peter’s in Nova Scotia, Campbell’s Bay in Québec, and Lion’s Head in Ontario. These forms are in keeping with the principle of geographical naming that names established in the statutes by other authorities must be accepted without change.” [p. 70 of Alan Rayburn’s Naming Canada: Stories about Canadian Place Names, University of Toronto Press Incorporated, Toronto, revised and expanded edition of 2001, ISBN 0-8020-4725-4, courtesy of Google Books] Thus, St Peter’s has an officially sanctioned apostrophe and it is given one on the topographical maps and in The Nova Scotia Atlas; however, derived place names, such as St Peters Bay, St Peters Inlet, and St Peters Canal National Historic Site do not have an apostrophe in these sources. (Having said that, the village’s web site uses the apostrophe for such derived names as well.) As to the period after St, which some references use, I follow the practice of the topographical maps and The Nova Scotia Atlas, which omit it in all place names. By way of contrast to St Peter’s, note that St Anns officially has no apostrophe (nor an ‘e’–though both are sometimes seen in local spellings.)↩
Isle Madame, Lennox Passage, and St Peters Bay from Battery Provincial Park
Taken 2008 June 10 from the Battery Park Campground Area
Big Lorraine
I had been looking for Big Lorraine for a couple of years, but had not seen any signs for it and had never found the road that leads to it. I happened to mention that to the owners of the restaurant in Louisbourg where I had breakfast that morning and they gave me the information I needed to locate it. Just outside of Louisbourg on Route 22, an unnumbered paved road leads off towards Little Lorraine. Proceeding north on that road after about 1 km (0.6 mi), one will see (but only if one is looking very carefully) a gravel road to the right; it would be indistinguishable from a driveway were it not for a sign, which can be found mostly obscured by brush at the right of the road, indicating that the land belongs to the Fortress of Louisbourg National Historical Site. (If you reach the bridge over Lorraine Brook on the Little Lorraine Road, you have gone too far.) Turn down the gravel road and continue straight until you find yourself beside a few houses where you can park at the edge of the road in such a way as to not block other vehicles (the road beyond the first house was not in great shape for a car, so I’d suggest you park near it and walk the rest of the way on foot).
Big Lorraine Harbour
Taken 2008 June 12 from the west side of the harbour
At the end of the road, you will find yourself on the western edge of Big Lorraine Harbour, shown in the photo above. A path leads from there across the field along the shore of the harbour to the Atlantic coast. It took me about a half hour to reach the coast; as is my wont, I was shod in walking oxfords and that proved to not be the best choice, as there were some boggy areas that I had to work my way around, in one case dropping down to the rocky shore to do so. There were some lovely wildflowers blooming among the grasses in the field and the views of Big Lorraine Harbour were very fine as I progressed under a gorgeous sky and bright sun.
Once at the Atlantic coast, the views were magnificent in both directions. To the south, lies a rocky coast a good height above the water leading out to Lorraine Head, as seen in the first photo below (use the height of a tree to gauge the height of the cliffs). The trail I had followed continues south along the coast; I did not attempt to go further, given the inappropriateness of my footwear, but later learned that it follows the shore with an occasional detour through the woods all the way to the Louisbourg Lighthouse (see below for more information on this trail). To the north, as seen in the second photo below, the coast has a somewhat different character, though it remains very rocky; Little Lorraine Harbour and Baleine Harbour are the next two major inlets along this coast, which ends in Cape Breton, for which Cape Breton Island is named and which is its easternmost point. The day I was there, lobster fishermen were out in their boats checking their traps off shore.
Atlantic Coast to the south of Big Lorraine Harbour
Taken 2008 June 12 from the west side of the harbour
Atlantic Coast to the north of Big Lorraine Harbour
Taken 2008 June 12 from the west side of the harbour
The hike I took lasted hardly more than an hour, but it was a real delight because it was the first time I had been here and the first time taking a hike is always special; because the day itself was so fine; and because the gorgeous views more than repaid the little effort I had to expend to see them. I am now very definitely interested in hiking from here to the Louisbourg Lighthouse along this wild and beautiful coast!
On the east side of Big Lorraine Harbour, I am told that there is an old cemetery; it is shown on the topographic map at the end of a road approximately 2 km (1.2 mi) further east on the Little Lorraine Road past the turn-off into Big Lorraine Harbour. I have not explored that road, but it is now on my to-do list. Another informant told me that there is a coastal trail which runs along the coast all the way from Little Lorraine to the east side of Big Lorraine Harbour (a part of the trail which connects the west side to Louisbourg Lighthouse), but another local disputed that. In any case, it needs some investigation to find out: this is certainly a lovely area in which to explore the Atlantic coast!
Cliffs Trail at Schooner Pond Cove
After I left Big Lorraine Harbour, I proceeded northwards along Cape Breton’s eastern coast, stopping for pictures at Little Lorraine and Main-à-Dieu before driving around Mira Bay. On this coast, I had never before been north of Mira Gut, so this was all new territory for me. I spent some time exploring Waddens Island (I’m not sure that that is its proper name, since neither The Nova Scotia Atlas nor the topographical map gives a name for the island bearing the community of Waddens Cove), which has fine views of Mira Bay. Then it was on to Morien Bay and Port Morien, which were both gorgeous under the beautiful, though gradually whitening, sky. I drove north along the Long Beach Road eventually arriving at Schooner Pond Cove on the north coast east of Donkin. As I was busy taking photographs there near a road clearly labelled as private, a car came up and the two guys therein asked if I had been on the trail along the cliffs. When I said that I did not know of its existence, they told me that it followed the cliffs along the shore all the way to Wreck Point and Northern Head. I mentioned that the land appeared to be private and was told that it was now held by an Austrailing mining company who did not object to the trail being used by hikers. Since the day was still sunny and warm to the east and not too threatening (though by now quite grey) to the west, I decided to walk out along the trail to see some part of this coast while I was there.
According to the topographical map of the area, no point along this coast reaches 20 m (66 ft) in height, but it certainly felt as if one were at least that high and the added height allowed one to see parts of the coast that were obscured by land when one was at the water’s edge. When I reached the top of the cliffs, I was very glad I had my thick sweat shirt with me, as the breeze off the ocean was quite cool! I had noticed the severe erosion of the cliffs when I was photographing them from the Long Beach Road, so I made sure to stay on the ATV trail well away from the cliff edge. Once out by the ocean, the trail affords fine views of the coast in both directions. I saw a windmill farm I had not previously noticed to what I judged to be to the west of New Waterford, but the point to which my eyes were drawn again and again as I progressed to the east was the lighthouse on Flint Island in the Atlantic roughly 3 km (1.9 mi) to the east of Northern Head. The shore below the cliffs, when one could see it, was littered with huge slabs of flat rock. There were gulls everywhere, many in the air playing in the winds, which continued to freshen the further east I went, and others just a few feet off the trail resting from their play. Numerous wildflowers lay radiant in the grass beside the trail.
Atlantic Coast near Wreck Point with Flint Island Lighthouse in the distance
Taken 2008 June 12 from near Wreck Point
After roughly a half hour, I came upon the view seen in the photo above. At this point, the trail curves sharply inland and a huge water hole blocked the road. As I was puzzling out how I was going to cross it, a golf cart bearing two employees of the mining company drove up. We got into an extended conversation; they told me that the subsided land seen in the photo above was caused by the collapse of mines dug beneath the surface. They also said that the coal mines extend five kilometres (three miles) out underneath the sea floor here. By the time we had finished talking, the sun had disappeared and the skies to the west were now very threatening; given the water obstacle I still hadn’t figured out how to cross in oxfords, I decided to just head back to the car. That proved to be a wise move, as the skies let loose a torrent of rain just a couple of minutes before I reached the car.
This is a lovely, mostly level, hike and one I hope to do again. I will come prepared with woods boots the next time and hope to be able to make it all the way to Northern Head, a distance I compute from the topographical map as roughly 4 km (2.5 mi), from which there should be excellent views of Morien Bay as well as of the Atlantic coast.
Clyburn Valley Trail
This heading is a place-holder for a section yet to be added.
Campbells Mountain Look-Off
This heading is a place-holder for a section yet to be added.
The full trail description is, however, available here.
Red Cape
This heading is a place-holder for a section yet to be added.
Belfry Beach
This heading is a place-holder for a section yet to be added.
Louisbourg Lighthouse Trail
This heading is a place-holder for a section yet to be added.
Kennington Cove
This heading is a place-holder for a section yet to be added.
Simons Point Trail
This heading is a place-holder for a section yet to be added.
Churchview Road
This heading is a place-holder for a section yet to be added.
Chronological List of My 2008 Cape Breton Hikes
Because of the weather, I got in far fewer hikes in the spring and summer than I normally do. The relatively short table below lists each one.
8 June
Railway Trail
Miners Museum in Inverness
to the Deepdale Road and return
9 June
Eco-Trail at Cape Auguet
(Sentier Écologique de Cap-Auguet)
hiked main (yellow) trail to end
and visited #5 belvedere on the red trail
returning by the main trail; see description above
10 June
St. Peters Canal
and Battery Provincial Park
walked along St. Peters Canal from St. Peters Bay
to St. Peters Inlet and returned to the locks as I came;
crossed the locks to Battery Provincial Park;
hiked up to the ruins of Fort Dorchester
on Mount Granville
and back down through the camping area
and along the shore to the locks; see description above
12 June
Big Lorraine
from the end of the Big Lorraine Road
along the west side of Big Lorraine Harbour
via an unsigned grass trail
to the Atlantic Coast and return; see description above
12 June
cliffs at Schooner Pond
followed an unsigned grass trail up and along
the cliffs east of Schooner Pond and return; see description above
13 June
West Mabou Beach Provincial Park
Western Coastal Trail to the west end of the beach
then up from the beach
via an access road to the park entrance
and back along the entrance road to the parking lot
15 June
Cape Mabou Highlands
hiked from the gravel pit on MacDonalds Glen Road
to the Cape Mabou Road and back
16 June
Cape Mabou Highlands Trail System
Mabou Post Road Trail Head
via MacKinnons Brook Lane
to the MacKinnons Brook Trail Head
via the MacKinnons Brook Trail
to the side trail
to MacKinnons Brook Mouth
returning via the side trail
to the MacKinnons Brook Trail
to the MacKinnons Brook Trail Head
to MacKinnons Brook Lane
via Fair Alistair’s Trail
to the Mabou Post Road Trail Head
18 June
Middle Head Trail (Ingonish Area)
from parking lot at Keltic Lodge
via southern trail to the end of Middle Head
returning via the northern trail
20 June
Clyburn Valley Trail (Ingonish Area)
from parking lot on Cabot Trail
through golf course and along Clyburn River
to the Gold Mine and thirty-five minutes beyond
returning as I went; see description above
22 June
Railway Trail
from West Mabou Road via Railway Trail
along the Southwest Mabou River
to Southwest Mabou and across Route 19
to the canyon fifteen minutes further on
returning as I went
23 June
West Mabou Beach Provincial Park
from the parking lot to Johnny Bans Pond
via bushwhack to the Old Ferry Road
to the Acarsaid Trail to Sams Point
returning via the Acarsaid Trail
to Old Ferry Road (and via a new trail segment)
to its end, returning to the parking lot
via the park entrance road
22 July
Inverness Beach
walk from the wharf to the harbour entrance and back
23 July
Cape Breton Highlands National Park
Corney Brook Trail to falls and return
24 July
Cape Breton Highlands National Park
Le Chemin du Buttereau
from the southern parking lot (#3)
to the northern parking lot (#5)
and return along the Cabot Trail
25 July
Railway Trail
from the church in Kenloch to the Deepdale Road
to the long trestle and return
28 July
Cape Mabou Highlands Trail System
Cape Mabou Trail Head
to the MacEachen Trail
to the Poets Ridge Trail
to the Enchanted Valley Trail
to the Highland Forest Trail
to the Beinn Bhiorach Summit
back by the Highland Forest Trail
to the MacArthur Trail
to the Highland Link Trail
to the MacEachen Trail
to the Cape Mabou Trail Head
29 July
West Mabou Beach Provincial Park
overflow beach parking lot
to the Sinkholes Trail
to the Western Coastal Trail
and return
30 July
Cape Mabou Highlands Trail System
Mabou Post Road Trail Head
to Fair Alistair’s Mountain Trail
to the MacPhee Trail
to the Beaton Trail
to the MacKinnon’s Brook Trail Head
to the Meadows
back to the MacKinnon’s Brook Trail Head
to MacKinnon’s Brook Lane
to the Mabou Post Road Trail Head
31 July
West Mabou Beach Provincial Park
upper parking lot
to the Whale Cove Trail
to the Moonshine Trail
to the Acarsaid Trail
to Sams Point
to the Whale Cove Trail
to the upper parking lot
6 August
Campbells Mountain
Campbells Mountain Road
to junction with side road to look-off
to look-off and return; see description above
7 August
Cape Mabou Highlands Trail System
Sight Point Trail Head
to the MacKinnons Brook Trail
to the Meadows
and returned as I came
12 August
Railway Trail
Route 252 in Glendyer Station
to the bridge over Glendyer Brook near its source
(i.e., roughly two thirds of the way
between the Smithville Road and the Blackstone Road)
and returned as I came
8 October
Point Michaud Beach Provincial Park
walked along shore and beach for forty-five minutes
8 October
Red Cape
from the end of Crooked Lake Road,
hiked to top of cape
then along ATV trail to English Pond
back by the “beach” and on to
the mouth of the Framboise
and back to Crooked Lake Road; see description above
8 October
Belfry Beach
walked along beach at end of road (right fork);
drove to end of road (left fork)
and walked along Belfry Gut to Belfry Lake; see description above
9 October
Louisbourg Lighthouse Trail
hiked trail to end;
using unsigned footpaths walked along shore
to Brook Landing Cove and returned as I came; see description above
9 October
Kennington Cove
hiked from second beach along shore
to and beyond MacLeans Point and returned;
drove to first beach;
hiked to cairn above Wolfe’s Landing
and beyond to an unnamed cove and returned; see description above